
You have seen the self important "Woodstock Advocate"
You have seen the "Insane Zane"
You have seen the "MCSD Exposed"
And now you have seen the "Shadow"
Prepare yourself for the reality...

The Really Real MCSD Exposed! Opinions of one who actually still works at the Sheriff's Office

Monday, July 4, 2011

The McCullom Lake Triangle

I remember while on my weight lifting regime I used to stop at Rohm and Haas and fill my water bottle.  Oh wait...  That was Scott Milliman!

Ol Scotty claimed that his brain cancer came from drinking water out of a hose from McCullom Lake business, Rohm and Haas.  He is a complete whore bullshit artist.  I have worked at the Sheriff's Office for multiple years and have NEVER been in Rohm and Haas.  I couldn't tell you one place to even find drinking water at that joint.  The business produces chemicals for the government and other vetted agencies.  It is not an open access business.  Scott never went in there with enough frequency to drink water let alone develop his brain cancer.  He is a scam artist looking for a quick buck to satisfy in insatiable desire to be something.

I cannot believe that Scott has the immoral compass that points him to lie and whore himself in such a way that would cause others to feel sorry for him.  He even wrote a book.  If thats what you want to call it.  It was more of a pamphlet describing his prostituted plight of survival.  All the while glomming onto everything and anything he could to place blame.  Karma is a bitch sometimes.  Looks like she just caught up with you Scotty.

Back to Rohm and Haas for a minute. I am sure that if you polled the entire patrol staff of the sheriff's office, aside from the few alarms that occur there the percentage of deputies that enter that place is nil.  I have never heard of or seen someone going in there outside official business.   Filling a water bottle for his weight lifting regime?  What a complete joke.  Scott is not in shape.   I mean you would think the Milliman name stands for the pinnacle of physical excellence, but jesus... weightlifting?  Come on; at least say you were suffering from heat exhaustion.  I can't believe that anyone would believe that bullshit of weightlifting.  Have you looked at yourself?  Not a weightlifter.

This is just an example of ONE of the numerous sociopathic bullshit lies that Scott blows to the world.