
You have seen the self important "Woodstock Advocate"
You have seen the "Insane Zane"
You have seen the "MCSD Exposed"
And now you have seen the "Shadow"
Prepare yourself for the reality...

The Really Real MCSD Exposed! Opinions of one who actually still works at the Sheriff's Office

Friday, July 1, 2011

Yet Another Blog Emerges

This all keeps getting better and better...  I have stood by and watched for too long.  There are blogs that bash and mislabel the McHenry County Sheriff's Office as a poor organization to not only work at but be associated with.  It's complete non-sense.

I have worked for the Sheriff's Office for a number of years.  I have seen the good and the bad; the evil and  just; the insane and logical.   There are truly some bad apples that have worked there and continue to.  I will name some names and you will get the drift.

For all you clowns that think you are going to try and figure out who I am; don't bother.   If you think you know you don't nor will you.  I have not told anyone who I am and you will spin your wheels with legal process if you attempt.

Zane has had his fun.  Now Milliman and Bodden are having theirs.   If Schlenkert was smart enough to turn on a computer he would have one too.

Well, lets start off with a little guy named Scott Milliman.

Scott Milliman

Cowardly Lion? Drew Peterson?  Nope! Its Scott Milliman.  The most unworthy, untrusted, half brain dead ex-cop I have ever seen.  Scott, I know I speak for most when I say that we were hoping the big C got ya!   You (and your family) are a shit stain on the county of McHenry.   I am guessing Bodden is helping you with your blog.  Because, what you have left of that grey matter is clearly not capable of functioning to a level of adult thought.  Scott, I don't know if you are capable of seeing how truly full of shit you are.   I would wager that you lie with every breath your whore mouth can muster.  Speaking of whores!

From what I read, your family likes to frequent the whores.  Too soon?    This may seem downright evil and blackhearted, but its really no loss.  No Scott, no one likes nor cares for either one of you.   You say he was a good man?   How so?  I knew your brother, you once again muster the whore mouthed lie.  

Its sickening how you just switch your allegiance like you change your underwear.  Didn't you used to brag about all the times you ate with Nygren?  And how you were close?   Didn't Nygren go out on a limb to get you your job back?  This is just another example of your whore-like existence.   I personally don't care who you vote for or what side you choose in any political battle.  Thats a personal decision.  You bit the hand that spoon fed your drooling ass.  Thats downright disrespectful and vile.  

The White Knight?  Thats a funny one.  What are you representing; Grecian Hair Formula?  Thats the only white in your good-evil scale.  

How about you sleeping around with that female who ended up dead in a car crash?  Isn't that a bit interesting?  Lots of people close to you ending up dead.  Maybe there should be an investigation into that?  Someone should lead that up. 

Scott, you should not have been rehired.  You should have been placed on disability and put out to pasture.   All of the people I know don't you or your tactics. 

Please stay gone.  The Sheriff's Office is better without you.

One more thing;  Take the cursive writing off your blog.  No one can even read it.  

BAHAHA  Look at this sloth.  And yes, thats his response time to calls; that is if he ever shows up.  Completely worthless.  And no Skunk, we don't care if you dislike Nygren.  We just hate you.

I have to sign off for now.  My access time is running out where I am at.

So I will say goodbye for now.  Please email or post comments as you see fit.   If you have any good stories about any of these assholes, share away!

I will be thinking of other fact based stories and post them.

This can no longer be a one sided information issuance.  You like to talk about the hard workers at the Sheriff's Office, well I know a whole lot of dirt on you guys too!   So, lets play.

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